VA St. Louis Health Care System /tags/va-st-louis-health-care-system VA St. Louis Health Care System en-US Copyright © 2024 ÍâÍřĚěĚĂ Mon, 12 Dec 2022 11:00:00 GMT VA urges veterans potentially exposed to hazardous toxins to apply for PACT Act benefits /health-science-environment/2022-12-12/va-urges-veterans-potentially-exposed-to-hazardous-toxins-to-apply-for-pact-act-benefits The VA St. Louis Health Care System is encouraging area veterans to apply for toxic exposure related health care and benefits. In August, a new law known as the PACT Act expanded benefits and health care for veterans exposed to hazardous toxins like radiation, smoke, Agent Orange and burn pits. Mon, 12 Dec 2022 11:00:00 GMT /health-science-environment/2022-12-12/va-urges-veterans-potentially-exposed-to-hazardous-toxins-to-apply-for-pact-act-benefits Marissanne Lewis-Thompson St. Louis VA officials plan massive hospital overhaul /health-science-environment/2022-08-02/st-louis-va-officials-plan-massive-hospital-overhaul The overhaul, which likely would cost more than $1 billion and take decades to complete, would help the VA better meet the preferences and needs of the nearly 72,000 veterans it serves. But the St. Louis hospital will first need federal officials to sign off on the massive project. Tue, 02 Aug 2022 23:29:24 GMT /health-science-environment/2022-08-02/st-louis-va-officials-plan-massive-hospital-overhaul Sarah Fentem Large-Scale St. Louis VA Study Measures Severity, Scope of 'Long COVID' /coronavirus/2021-04-27/large-scale-st-louis-va-study-measures-severity-scope-of-long-covid Many people who get sick with COVID-19 continue to have wide-ranging health problems months after they recover from their initial infection, researchers at the Veterans Affairs St. Louis Health Care System have found. The study of more than 73,000 COVID-19 patients found that they sought care and medications more frequently than people who did not get sick. Wed, 28 Apr 2021 00:39:44 GMT /coronavirus/2021-04-27/large-scale-st-louis-va-study-measures-severity-scope-of-long-covid Sarah Fentem VA St. Louis Health Care System leaders respond to local veterans’ concerns /show/st-louis-on-the-air/2017-11-14/va-st-louis-health-care-system-leaders-respond-to-local-veterans-concerns A recent three-part series on local VA healthcare included a lot of criticism of the Department of Veteran Affair’s healthcare services.On Tuesday’s St.… Tue, 14 Nov 2017 21:00:00 GMT /show/st-louis-on-the-air/2017-11-14/va-st-louis-health-care-system-leaders-respond-to-local-veterans-concerns Lara Hamdan VA officials say veterans' care is improving /health-science-environment/2016-08-19/va-officials-say-veterans-care-is-improving Veterans Affairs officials say they’re making progress towards shorter wait times at the VA St. Louis Health Care System, but the numbers show that… Fri, 19 Aug 2016 22:00:41 GMT /health-science-environment/2016-08-19/va-officials-say-veterans-care-is-improving Tensions High At VA Town Hall /health-science-environment/2014-09-12/tensions-high-at-va-town-hall Exceptionally long wait times, missing records and doctors who failed to diagnose serious conditions were among the complaints aired at a veteran’s town… Fri, 12 Sep 2014 23:34:00 GMT /health-science-environment/2014-09-12/tensions-high-at-va-town-hall