Uganda /tags/uganda Uganda en-US Copyright © 2024 ÍâÍřĚěĚĂ Mon, 31 Dec 2018 08:48:35 GMT From Tower Grove dream to reality: Wash U med students open clinic in rural Uganda /health-science-environment/2018-12-31/from-tower-grove-dream-to-reality-wash-u-med-students-open-clinic-in-rural-uganda A new clinic in a remote Ugandan village has its roots in St. Louis.The clinic in the rural village of Mpunde is the brainchild of two Washington… Mon, 31 Dec 2018 08:48:35 GMT /health-science-environment/2018-12-31/from-tower-grove-dream-to-reality-wash-u-med-students-open-clinic-in-rural-uganda Sarah Fentem In a race to prevent hunger, Danforth researchers use CRISPR to gene-edit cassava /health-science-environment/2017-10-25/in-a-race-to-prevent-hunger-danforth-researchers-use-crispr-to-gene-edit-cassava To prove that a new-gene editing technology could be used to alter the cassava plant, scientists in the St. Louis suburbs zeroed in on a gene used to… Wed, 25 Oct 2017 20:31:51 GMT /health-science-environment/2017-10-25/in-a-race-to-prevent-hunger-danforth-researchers-use-crispr-to-gene-edit-cassava Danforth Center receives funding to expand cassava project to Nigeria /health-science-environment/2016-12-14/danforth-center-receives-funding-to-expand-cassava-project-to-nigeria Researchers at the Donald Danforth Plant Science Center say a $10.45 million grant from the Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation will allow them to expand a… Wed, 14 Dec 2016 19:45:39 GMT /health-science-environment/2016-12-14/danforth-center-receives-funding-to-expand-cassava-project-to-nigeria Altruism or PR? How Monsanto plans to snag a foothold in African seed markets /health-science-environment/2016-12-14/altruism-or-pr-how-monsanto-plans-to-snag-a-foothold-in-african-seed-markets The world’s largest seed companies have their eye trained on Africa’s farming industry. A few, including St. Louis-based Monsanto, see drought-resistant… Wed, 14 Dec 2016 11:18:25 GMT /health-science-environment/2016-12-14/altruism-or-pr-how-monsanto-plans-to-snag-a-foothold-in-african-seed-markets As South Sudan Fights, Refugees Flow Into Uganda /2016-10-23/as-south-sudan-fights-refugees-flow-into-uganda South Sudan has been in turmoil for much of the five years since it became independent. That trouble is spilling over into northern Uganda, where refugees are flowing in. Sun, 23 Oct 2016 11:00:00 GMT /2016-10-23/as-south-sudan-fights-refugees-flow-into-uganda Durrie Bouscaren Will St. Louis-grown GMOs help East African farmers avoid food shortages? It’s complicated. /health-science-environment/2016-10-12/will-st-louis-grown-gmos-help-east-african-farmers-avoid-food-shortages-its-complicated NAMULONGE, Uganda — Before rows of tall, green bushes, Jude Aleu picks a cassava tuber off the ground and cracks it in half.That shouldn’t be so easy.… Thu, 13 Oct 2016 03:51:28 GMT /health-science-environment/2016-10-12/will-st-louis-grown-gmos-help-east-african-farmers-avoid-food-shortages-its-complicated In Uganda, cassava is a staple in times of insecurity /health-science-environment/2016-09-30/in-uganda-cassava-is-a-staple-in-times-of-insecurity At the Gulu Main Market in northern Uganda, there’s an entire aisle devoted to cassava vendors.For Ugandans, the starchy tuber is more than a staple food… Fri, 30 Sep 2016 20:03:21 GMT /health-science-environment/2016-09-30/in-uganda-cassava-is-a-staple-in-times-of-insecurity A peek at daily life in northern Uganda’s refugee camps /show/st-louis-on-the-air/2016-09-28/a-peek-at-daily-life-in-northern-ugandas-refugee-camps Updated 3 p.m., Sept. 28 with Durrie Bouscaren's interview on St. Louis on the Air from Uganda.Heavy fighting in South Sudan has pushed about 150,000… Wed, 28 Sep 2016 20:03:51 GMT /show/st-louis-on-the-air/2016-09-28/a-peek-at-daily-life-in-northern-ugandas-refugee-camps St. Louis researchers hope genetically modified crops can prevent hunger in East Africa /health-science-environment/2016-09-22/st-louis-researchers-hope-genetically-modified-crops-can-prevent-hunger-in-east-africa As botanist Nigel Taylor moves through a greenhouse kept to 90 degrees Fahrenheit and 80 percent humidity, he checks the stems of young, potted cassava… Thu, 22 Sep 2016 10:19:26 GMT /health-science-environment/2016-09-22/st-louis-researchers-hope-genetically-modified-crops-can-prevent-hunger-in-east-africa Nun tells the story of African poverty /arts/2013-08-12/nun-tells-the-story-of-african-poverty This article first appeared in the St. Louis Beacon, Aug. 12, 2013: Having to decide which of our children will be able to eat doesn't happen to most… Mon, 12 Aug 2013 18:04:05 GMT /arts/2013-08-12/nun-tells-the-story-of-african-poverty Dale Hart