Trains /tags/trains Trains en-US Copyright © 2024 ÍâÍøÌìÌà Wed, 03 May 2023 20:48:18 GMT Amtrak’s trains between St. Louis and Chicago are moving faster /economy-business/2023-05-03/amtraks-trains-heading-from-st-louis-to-chicago-are-moving-faster Amtrak and the Illinois Department of Transportation received federal approval for the trains traveling between Chicago and St. Louis to have a maximum speed of 110 mph, up from 90 mph. Wed, 03 May 2023 20:48:18 GMT /economy-business/2023-05-03/amtraks-trains-heading-from-st-louis-to-chicago-are-moving-faster Jonathan Ahl St. Louis tech startup, TugVolt could help make rail shipping safer and more efficient /economy-business/2023-04-11/st-louis-tech-startups-tugvolt-could-help-make-rail-shipping-safer-and-more-efficient A St. Louis tech startup plans to deliver its first electrified and remote-controlled train cars to mining companies later this year. Intramotev company representatives also hope to market its TugVolt trains to companies that rely on shipping by truck. Tue, 11 Apr 2023 10:15:00 GMT /economy-business/2023-04-11/st-louis-tech-startups-tugvolt-could-help-make-rail-shipping-safer-and-more-efficient Britny Cordera There is light at the end of the fundraising tunnel for Kirkwood’s historic train station /2022-07-18/there-is-light-at-the-end-of-the-fundraising-tunnel-for-kirkwoods-historic-train-station Fundraising efforts to renovate Kirkwood's historic train station are receiving a boost through a $2.5 million federal matching grant. Mon, 18 Jul 2022 11:53:25 GMT /2022-07-18/there-is-light-at-the-end-of-the-fundraising-tunnel-for-kirkwoods-historic-train-station Wayne Pratt Amtrak train derails outside Kansas City, leaving 4 dead and dozens injured /2022-06-27/amtrak-train-carrying-243-passengers-derails-outside-kansas-city-injuries-reported Passengers were aboard the Southwest Chief, which left Kansas City around 11 a.m. The train left the tracks near Mendon, Missouri, after hitting a dump truck at a public crossing. Four people are confirmed dead. Mon, 27 Jun 2022 21:08:46 GMT /2022-06-27/amtrak-train-carrying-243-passengers-derails-outside-kansas-city-injuries-reported Savannah Hawley-Bates Amtrak riders adjust travel plans after a reduction in the Missouri River Runner train service /government-politics-issues/2022-01-09/amtrak-riders-adjust-travel-plans-after-a-reduction-in-the-missouri-river-runner-train-service On Monday, Amtrak cut services between Kansas City and St. Louis by half. Now only one round trip per day is offered, and many riders say they are having to change their travel or work plans. Sun, 09 Jan 2022 13:32:43 GMT /government-politics-issues/2022-01-09/amtrak-riders-adjust-travel-plans-after-a-reduction-in-the-missouri-river-runner-train-service Bek Shackelford-Nwanganga Coronavirus Shutdown Led To Restoration Of A Train In Rolla /government-politics-issues/2020-08-17/coronavirus-shutdown-led-to-restoration-of-a-train-in-rolla A Rolla business owner used the shutdown to fix up an old steam engine and passenger car on display in a city park. Mon, 17 Aug 2020 10:46:48 GMT /government-politics-issues/2020-08-17/coronavirus-shutdown-led-to-restoration-of-a-train-in-rolla Jonathan Ahl Why Railroad Lovers Are Turning Their Eyes To Quincy /show/st-louis-on-the-air/2020-05-13/why-railroad-lovers-are-turning-their-eyes-to-quincy Bird-watching and airplane spotting are classic observation-based hobbies. And then there’s train watching. Instead of keeping an eye out for something in… Wed, 13 May 2020 21:47:01 GMT /show/st-louis-on-the-air/2020-05-13/why-railroad-lovers-are-turning-their-eyes-to-quincy Lara Hamdan Tanker In Dupo Train Derailment Fire Apparently Was Carrying A Solvent, Railroad Says /other/2019-09-10/tanker-in-dupo-train-derailment-fire-apparently-was-carrying-a-solvent-railroad-says Fire erupted in a train derailment Tuesday afternoon in Dupo, where schools and some residents were evacuated but no injuries were reported.Initial… Tue, 10 Sep 2019 18:49:43 GMT /other/2019-09-10/tanker-in-dupo-train-derailment-fire-apparently-was-carrying-a-solvent-railroad-says Hana Muslic | Belleville News-Democrat Fundraising underway for 'symbol' of Kirkwood /economy-business/2016-12-28/fundraising-underway-for-symbol-of-kirkwood A St. Louis County community is launching an effort to pay for massive renovation of a prominent landmark. The Kirkwood Train Station Foundation wants to… Wed, 28 Dec 2016 20:00:03 GMT /economy-business/2016-12-28/fundraising-underway-for-symbol-of-kirkwood Wayne Pratt Miniature railroad chugs toward opening day after flooding, thanks to area volunteers /arts/2016-04-29/miniature-railroad-chugs-toward-opening-day-after-flooding-thanks-to-area-volunteers The volunteer crew at the Wabash, Frisco and Pacific Railroad Association in far west St. Louis County is back on track after it was almost derailed by… Fri, 29 Apr 2016 23:00:00 GMT /arts/2016-04-29/miniature-railroad-chugs-toward-opening-day-after-flooding-thanks-to-area-volunteers