Statue /tags/statue Statue en-US Copyright © 2024 ÍâÍřĚěĚĂ Fri, 19 May 2023 10:25:00 GMT Statue of Liberty replica makes 1,000-mile road trip to its new home in Sauget /culture-history/2023-05-19/statue-of-liberty-replica-makes-1-000-mile-road-trip-to-its-new-home-in-sauget The National Building Arts Center plans to place the statue at its entrance. “Little Liberty” traveled from Brooklyn to the Sauget preservation museum on the back of a flatbed truck. Fri, 19 May 2023 10:25:00 GMT /culture-history/2023-05-19/statue-of-liberty-replica-makes-1-000-mile-road-trip-to-its-new-home-in-sauget Sarah Fentem The Cherokee Street Statue Is Gone, And Its Sculptor Is Fine With That /show/st-louis-on-the-air/2021-09-24/cherokee-street-statue-is-gone-and-its-sculptor-is-fine-with-that Bill Christman's 13-foot-tall depiction of a Native American man was installed at the northwest corner of Cherokee Street and Jefferson Avenue in 1985. Removed this month by neighborhood leaders, the sculpture's new home is the National Building Arts Center in Sauget, Illinois. Fri, 24 Sep 2021 22:01:33 GMT /show/st-louis-on-the-air/2021-09-24/cherokee-street-statue-is-gone-and-its-sculptor-is-fine-with-that Evie Hemphill How Edwardsville Residents Are Grappling With Their City’s Controversial Namesake /show/st-louis-on-the-air/2021-06-29/how-edwardsville-residents-are-grappling-with-their-citys-controversial-namesake Two historians discuss Ninian Edwards' significance to the history of Illinois amid the ongoing efforts in Edwardsville to remove a statue of the city’s namesake. Tue, 29 Jun 2021 21:00:01 GMT /show/st-louis-on-the-air/2021-06-29/how-edwardsville-residents-are-grappling-with-their-citys-controversial-namesake Lara Hamdan What’s Edwardsville Going To Do About Statue After Learning Namesake Defended Slavery? /2020-11-01/whats-edwardsville-going-to-do-about-statue-after-learning-namesake-defended-slavery The city of Edwardsville is considering renaming a downtown park and relocating a statue of the city's namesake after a group of people from the Edwardsville area informed city leaders in June that Ninian Edwards was a slave owner who actively advocated for slavery. Sun, 01 Nov 2020 12:35:06 GMT /2020-11-01/whats-edwardsville-going-to-do-about-statue-after-learning-namesake-defended-slavery Lexi Cortes A Deeper Look At Edwardsville’s Slave-Owning Namesake And The Debate Over Statues /2020-07-31/a-deeper-look-at-edwardsvilles-slave-owning-namesake-and-the-debate-over-statues The namesake of Edwardsville owned enslaved people. The troubled history is creating a debate over the city's past and present. Fri, 31 Jul 2020 17:48:50 GMT /2020-07-31/a-deeper-look-at-edwardsvilles-slave-owning-namesake-and-the-debate-over-statues Teri Maddox Christopher Columbus Statue To Stay In Tower Grove Park /arts/2019-09-27/christopher-columbus-statue-to-stay-in-tower-grove-park The Christopher Columbus statue, which has generated controversy because of the explorer’s treatment of Native Americans, will not be removed from Tower… Fri, 27 Sep 2019 22:03:37 GMT /arts/2019-09-27/christopher-columbus-statue-to-stay-in-tower-grove-park Marissanne Lewis-Thompson Columbus Day to be marked with protest over the explorer's place in St. Louis park /government-politics-issues/2018-10-07/columbus-day-to-be-marked-with-protest-over-the-explorers-place-in-st-louis-park This Columbus Day, the fate of a monument to the explorer in St. Louis’ Tower Grove Park remains unclear.A protest is planned at the base of the statue on… Sun, 07 Oct 2018 11:57:37 GMT /government-politics-issues/2018-10-07/columbus-day-to-be-marked-with-protest-over-the-explorers-place-in-st-louis-park Chad Davis Tower Grove Park Columbus statue faces uncertain future /government-politics-issues/2018-08-30/tower-grove-park-columbus-statue-faces-uncertain-future Discussions about removing the Christopher Columbus statue in Tower Grove Park have re-emerged.Activists have banded together to plan an event, Plotting… Thu, 30 Aug 2018 22:19:37 GMT /government-politics-issues/2018-08-30/tower-grove-park-columbus-statue-faces-uncertain-future Chad Davis Efforts Underway To Erect Statue Of Miles Davis In Alton /arts-culture/2013-08-23/efforts-underway-to-erect-statue-of-miles-davis-in-alton Plans are in motion to erect a bronze statue of jazz musician Miles Davis at his birthplace in Alton, Ill. The city council of Alton gave its approval in… Fri, 23 Aug 2013 22:46:23 GMT /arts-culture/2013-08-23/efforts-underway-to-erect-statue-of-miles-davis-in-alton A statue and a forum for Dred and Harriet Scott /arts/2012-06-05/a-statue-and-a-forum-for-dred-and-harriet-scott This article first appeared in the St. Louis Beacon, June 5, 2012 - One hundred and fifty-five years ago this month, the U.S. Supreme Court decided the… Wed, 06 Jun 2012 02:39:15 GMT /arts/2012-06-05/a-statue-and-a-forum-for-dred-and-harriet-scott Isabelle Stillman