James Knowles /tags/james-knowles James Knowles en-US Copyright © 2024 ÍâÍřĚěĚĂ Mon, 15 Jun 2020 10:28:33 GMT Politically Speaking: Outgoing Ferguson Mayor Knowles On How His City Changed Since Michael Brown /politics-issues/2020-06-15/politically-speaking-outgoing-ferguson-mayor-knowles-on-how-his-city-changed-since-michael-brown James Knowles III was taking down tents with his father at the Ferguson Farmers Market on Aug. 9, 2014, the day one of his city’s police officers shot and… Mon, 15 Jun 2020 10:28:33 GMT /politics-issues/2020-06-15/politically-speaking-outgoing-ferguson-mayor-knowles-on-how-his-city-changed-since-michael-brown Jason Rosenbaum Tear Gas Again Clouds Ferguson As Protesters Ignore Curfew; Officials Condemn Vandalism /politics-issues/2020-06-01/tear-gas-again-clouds-ferguson-as-protesters-ignore-curfew-officials-condemn-vandalism Updated at 10 a.m., June 1 with information about arrests and police injuriesDemonstrations on Sunday continued throughout the St. Louis area over George… Mon, 01 Jun 2020 15:00:23 GMT /politics-issues/2020-06-01/tear-gas-again-clouds-ferguson-as-protesters-ignore-curfew-officials-condemn-vandalism Jason Rosenbaum With Ferguson City Council Seat, Activist Fran Griffin Hopes To 'Move Ferguson Forward' /government-politics-issues/2019-04-16/with-ferguson-city-council-seat-activist-fran-griffin-hopes-to-move-ferguson-forward Exactly one month after a Ferguson police officer killed Michael Brown about a mile from her home, Fran Griffin attended her first city council… Tue, 16 Apr 2019 21:30:04 GMT /government-politics-issues/2019-04-16/with-ferguson-city-council-seat-activist-fran-griffin-hopes-to-move-ferguson-forward Carolina Hidalgo As Better Together Plan Looms, Municipal League Seeks Alternative City-County Merger Plan /politics-issues/2019-01-24/as-better-together-plan-looms-municipal-league-seeks-alternative-city-county-merger-plan Updated at 10:25 p.m. with muncipal league comment.The region’s municipal officials are working to counter a proposal that would merge St. Louis and St.… Thu, 24 Jan 2019 21:21:00 GMT /politics-issues/2019-01-24/as-better-together-plan-looms-municipal-league-seeks-alternative-city-county-merger-plan Jason Rosenbaum St. Louis County Council resolution tries, but can’t actually dictate how Prop P money spent /government-politics-issues/2017-08-15/st-louis-county-council-resolution-tries-but-cant-actually-dictate-how-prop-p-money-spent In an effort to block municipalities from using a recently passed “public safety” tax increase on things like potholes and snow removal, the St. Louis… Wed, 16 Aug 2017 03:13:26 GMT /government-politics-issues/2017-08-15/st-louis-county-council-resolution-tries-but-cant-actually-dictate-how-prop-p-money-spent Jason Rosenbaum What’s changed — and what hasn’t — three years after Michael Brown’s death /government-politics-issues/2017-08-09/whats-changed-and-what-hasnt-three-years-after-michael-browns-death On August 9, 2014, Ferguson officer Darren Wilson shot and killed Michael Brown, an unarmed black 18-year-old, in the Canfield Green apartment complex.… Wed, 09 Aug 2017 11:22:48 GMT /government-politics-issues/2017-08-09/whats-changed-and-what-hasnt-three-years-after-michael-browns-death Rachel Lippmann With election behind them, Knowles and Jones pledge a united front in Ferguson /government-politics-issues/2017-04-18/with-election-behind-them-knowles-and-jones-pledge-a-united-front-in-ferguson Ferguson Mayor James Knowles and Councilwoman Ella Jones made something perfectly clear Tuesday night: The city’s mayoral election is over, and there’s no… Wed, 19 Apr 2017 03:13:23 GMT /government-politics-issues/2017-04-18/with-election-behind-them-knowles-and-jones-pledge-a-united-front-in-ferguson Jason Rosenbaum Ferguson retains Knowles as mayor for third term /government-politics-issues/2017-04-04/ferguson-retains-knowles-as-mayor-for-third-term In an apparent vote of confidence, Ferguson Mayor James Knowles won re-election Tuesday over City Council member Ella Jones.Knowles, who has been the face… Wed, 05 Apr 2017 04:23:52 GMT /government-politics-issues/2017-04-04/ferguson-retains-knowles-as-mayor-for-third-term Rachel Lippmann Soccer, public safety and school funding highlight municipal elections /government-politics-issues/2017-04-04/soccer-public-safety-and-school-funding-highlight-municipal-elections It’s Election Day in the St. Louis region, where voters will decide on a number of high-stakes issues.Polls are open in Missouri and Illinois from 6 a.m.… Tue, 04 Apr 2017 05:05:41 GMT /government-politics-issues/2017-04-04/soccer-public-safety-and-school-funding-highlight-municipal-elections Jason Rosenbaum Where candidates for Ferguson mayor stand on issues of safety, budget, DOJ compliance and more /show/st-louis-on-the-air/2017-03-29/where-candidates-for-ferguson-mayor-stand-on-issues-of-safety-budget-doj-compliance-and-more On Wednesday's St. Louis on the Air we aired highlights of the Ferguson Mayoral Forum held earlier this week at the Ferguson Community Center. Incumbent… Wed, 29 Mar 2017 19:02:24 GMT /show/st-louis-on-the-air/2017-03-29/where-candidates-for-ferguson-mayor-stand-on-issues-of-safety-budget-doj-compliance-and-more Kelly Moffitt