The House also passed bills to end the capital gains tax, preserve the assets of foster children and allow landlords to refuse tenants who get federal housing assistance.
The restrictions passed by state lawmakers in 2023 are currently set to expire in August 2027.
The machines, called video lottery terminals, are often found in bars and convenience stores.
A Democrat on the committee says the move is election year posturing.
The bill bars acquisition of farmland from five countries 鈥 China, Iran, North Korea, Russia and Venezuela 鈥 deemed by the state as enemies of the United States. It also limits how much land other countries would be able to own.
While Republicans will still hold a supermajority in the chamber, House Democrats were able to gain three seats, giving them their largest numbers in years.
Missouri鈥檚 current unemployment benefit ranges from 13 to 20 weeks, depending on the state鈥檚 unemployment rate. The new bill shortens it to as few as eight.