emergency care /tags/emergency-care emergency care en-US Copyright © 2024 ÍâÍřĚěĚĂ Tue, 12 Mar 2024 21:59:44 GMT Missouri pilot program trains EMS crews to give overdose victims addiction meds /health-science-environment/2024-03-12/missouri-pilot-program-trains-ems-crews-to-give-overdose-victims-addiction-meds EMS workers across the state are receiving training on how to give overdose victims a dose of buprenorphine, which manages cravings and withdrawal symptoms, after reviving them from an overdose with the overdose reversal drug naloxone. Tue, 12 Mar 2024 21:59:44 GMT /health-science-environment/2024-03-12/missouri-pilot-program-trains-ems-crews-to-give-overdose-victims-addiction-meds Sarah Fentem Respiratory viruses slam St. Louis-area hospitals just in time for the holidays /health-science-environment/2022-11-23/respiratory-viruses-slam-st-louis-area-hospitals-just-in-time-for-the-holidays Flu and other respiratory illnesses are on the rise in St. Louis. The increase in patients is coming as more health care employees leave their jobs, putting more strain on the remaining workforce. Wed, 23 Nov 2022 11:05:00 GMT /health-science-environment/2022-11-23/respiratory-viruses-slam-st-louis-area-hospitals-just-in-time-for-the-holidays Sarah Fentem St. Louis doctors say hospitalizations for childhood respiratory virus on the rise /health-science-environment/2022-10-24/st-louis-doctors-say-hospitalizations-for-childhood-respiratory-virus-on-the-rise About 80 children a week are being hospitalized at St. Louis Children's Hospital for RSV-related illnesses, doctors said. Mon, 24 Oct 2022 14:40:55 GMT /health-science-environment/2022-10-24/st-louis-doctors-say-hospitalizations-for-childhood-respiratory-virus-on-the-rise Sarah Fentem Tens Of Thousands Of Missourians Lose Health Insurance After Coronavirus Job Losses /2020-07-25/tens-of-thousands-of-missourians-lose-health-insurance-after-coronavirus-job-losses The number of people without health insurance has grown by an estimated 100,000 in Missouri and 186,000 in Illinois since the start of the coronavirus pandemic, according to the nonprofit Families USA.Coronavirus-related job losses have meant families are living without health care during a time they need it most, the researchers said. Many fearing high hospital bills are forgoing medical care and putting their lives at risk, doctors said.“Many, many people, millions of people, have lost their job, said Rachel Garfield, co-director of the Program on Medicaid and the Uninsured at the Kaiser Family Foundation. “And for many Americans, health insurance is tied to their employment.” Sat, 25 Jul 2020 00:43:13 GMT /2020-07-25/tens-of-thousands-of-missourians-lose-health-insurance-after-coronavirus-job-losses Sarah Fentem More Kids Are Being Admitted To The ER For Sex Abuse, Say SLU Researchers /health-science-environment/2020-02-24/more-kids-are-being-admitted-to-the-er-for-sex-abuse-say-slu-researchers Children who have suffered sexual abuse are now going to the ER at much higher rates compared to a decade ago, according to research from St. Louis… Mon, 24 Feb 2020 11:32:08 GMT /health-science-environment/2020-02-24/more-kids-are-being-admitted-to-the-er-for-sex-abuse-say-slu-researchers Shahla Farzan For Missouri heart attack patients, the nearest hospital isn't always the best /health-science-environment/2018-05-29/for-missouri-heart-attack-patients-the-nearest-hospital-isnt-always-the-best The Missouri Department of Health and Senior Services has designated nine hospitals in St. Louis County as priority heart attack centers to ensure that… Tue, 29 May 2018 10:17:31 GMT /health-science-environment/2018-05-29/for-missouri-heart-attack-patients-the-nearest-hospital-isnt-always-the-best Sarah Fentem St. Louis-area hospitals expect influx of patients to coincide with eclipse /health-science-environment/2017-08-20/st-louis-area-hospitals-expect-influx-of-patients-to-coincide-with-eclipse Saint Louis University Hospital's emergency services director, Helen Sandkuhl, has spent the last couple of weeks reviewing emergency plans, checking… Sun, 20 Aug 2017 10:30:56 GMT /health-science-environment/2017-08-20/st-louis-area-hospitals-expect-influx-of-patients-to-coincide-with-eclipse Anthem asks Missourians to think twice before going to the emergency room /health-science-environment/2017-07-10/anthem-asks-missourians-to-think-twice-before-going-to-the-emergency-room Anthem Blue Cross Blue Shield, one of Missouri’s largest insurers, no longer covers emergency room visits that it deems unnecessary.The policy aims to… Mon, 10 Jul 2017 12:26:59 GMT /health-science-environment/2017-07-10/anthem-asks-missourians-to-think-twice-before-going-to-the-emergency-room Fewer St. Louis emergency room visits by the uninsured, in first year of Healthcare.gov /health-science-environment/2015-12-16/fewer-st-louis-emergency-room-visits-by-the-uninsured-in-first-year-of-healthcare-gov When the Affordable Care Act went into effect, many health-care economists hoped it would reduce the number of emergency room visits made by uninsured… Wed, 16 Dec 2015 20:27:38 GMT /health-science-environment/2015-12-16/fewer-st-louis-emergency-room-visits-by-the-uninsured-in-first-year-of-healthcare-gov Paramedics are reducing hospital readmissions in north St. Louis County /health-science-environment/2015-09-16/paramedics-are-reducing-hospital-readmissions-in-north-st-louis-county There are no sirens or flashing lights as Katie Eisenbeis, a 26-year-old paramedic from Christian Hospital, parks her medical van on a tree-lined street… Thu, 17 Sep 2015 03:28:03 GMT /health-science-environment/2015-09-16/paramedics-are-reducing-hospital-readmissions-in-north-st-louis-county