Emerald Ash Borer /tags/emerald-ash-borer Emerald Ash Borer en-US Copyright © 2024 ÍâÍřĚěĚĂ Sun, 19 Aug 2018 12:44:31 GMT Emerald ash borer found in 11 additional Missouri counties /health-science-environment/2018-08-19/emerald-ash-borer-found-in-11-additional-missouri-counties An invasive beetle is spreading rapidly across the state.This week, the Missouri Department of Conservation reported the emerald ash borer appeared in 11… Sun, 19 Aug 2018 12:44:31 GMT /health-science-environment/2018-08-19/emerald-ash-borer-found-in-11-additional-missouri-counties Shahla Farzan City foresters wage war on the invasive emerald ash borer /health-science-environment/2016-10-06/city-foresters-wage-war-on-the-invasive-emerald-ash-borer On a residential street in the Central West End neighborhood, a worker wearing a hard hat and a safety vest used a chainsaw to cut the branches off of an… Thu, 06 Oct 2016 10:10:24 GMT /health-science-environment/2016-10-06/city-foresters-wage-war-on-the-invasive-emerald-ash-borer Eli Chen St. Louis foresters to ax ash trees on public land to stop emerald ash borer in its tracks /health-science-environment/2016-09-06/st-louis-foresters-to-ax-ash-trees-on-public-land-to-stop-emerald-ash-borer-in-its-tracks This month, St. Louis foresters will start chopping down about 13,000 ash trees on public property to stay ahead of the invasive emerald ash borer, a… Tue, 06 Sep 2016 19:49:04 GMT /health-science-environment/2016-09-06/st-louis-foresters-to-ax-ash-trees-on-public-land-to-stop-emerald-ash-borer-in-its-tracks Eli Chen St. Louis foresters take on invasive emerald ash borer /health-science-environment/2016-06-20/st-louis-foresters-take-on-invasive-emerald-ash-borer Residents of St. Louis may have come across an odd sight in their front yards this summer: workers drilling holes into trees and plugging up the holes… Tue, 21 Jun 2016 02:06:22 GMT /health-science-environment/2016-06-20/st-louis-foresters-take-on-invasive-emerald-ash-borer Eli Chen Destructive beetle found on ash trees in St. Louis County /health-science-environment/2015-09-14/destructive-beetle-found-on-ash-trees-in-st-louis-county An insect pest that has decimated ash trees in 25 U.S. states has now spread to St. Louis County. If left alone, the emerald ash borer will eventually… Mon, 14 Sep 2015 22:53:51 GMT /health-science-environment/2015-09-14/destructive-beetle-found-on-ash-trees-in-st-louis-county Arch Grounds Renovation Project Nearing Completion /show/st-louis-on-the-air/2015-02-03/arch-grounds-renovation-project-nearing-completion Most of the renovations at the Gateway Arch are scheduled to be finished in October, in time for the monument’s 50th anniversary.Work on the park over the… Tue, 03 Feb 2015 19:25:38 GMT /show/st-louis-on-the-air/2015-02-03/arch-grounds-renovation-project-nearing-completion St. Louis Ash Trees, Be Warned: The Emerald Ash Borer Is On The Loose /health-science-environment/2014-05-10/st-louis-ash-trees-be-warned-the-emerald-ash-borer-is-on-the-loose Beware the Emerald Ash Borer. Ash trees in the St. Louis area are susceptible to attacks from the Emerald Ash Borer, an invasive species of beetle that… Sun, 11 May 2014 00:42:49 GMT /health-science-environment/2014-05-10/st-louis-ash-trees-be-warned-the-emerald-ash-borer-is-on-the-loose Shula Neuman Mo. campers urged to use local firewood /2012-05-29/mo-campers-urged-to-use-local-firewood Jacob McCleland contributed reporting for this story.With the unofficial start of the summer season behind us, the Missouri Department of Conservation is… Tue, 29 May 2012 11:22:46 GMT /2012-05-29/mo-campers-urged-to-use-local-firewood Park Service to remove ash trees from Arch grounds /health-science-environment/2012-03-08/park-service-to-remove-ash-trees-from-arch-grounds Nearly half of the trees on the grounds of the Gateway Arch will be removed and replaced with a different species.The National Park Service said Thursday… Thu, 08 Mar 2012 15:45:09 GMT /health-science-environment/2012-03-08/park-service-to-remove-ash-trees-from-arch-grounds Exotic pests threaten Missouri's forests and urban landscapes /health-science-environment/2011-12-02/exotic-pests-threaten-missouris-forests-and-urban-landscapes This article first appeared in the St. Louis Beacon, Dec. 2, 2011 - Three exotic insect pests threaten the economic and environmental well-being of… Fri, 02 Dec 2011 12:24:06 GMT /health-science-environment/2011-12-02/exotic-pests-threaten-missouris-forests-and-urban-landscapes Jo Seltzer