Dutchtown South Community Corporation /tags/dutchtown-south-community-corporation Dutchtown South Community Corporation en-US Copyright © 2024 ÍâÍřĚěĚĂ Fri, 18 Aug 2023 10:00:00 GMT Cleveland High School redevelopment is moving forward starting with community input /economy-business/2023-08-18/cleveland-high-school-redevelopment-is-moving-forward-starting-with-community-input Dozens of Dutchtown residents and Cleveland graduates gathered Wednesday night to hear developer Chris Goodson’s ideas for the former high school and ask questions or offer feedback about the project. Fri, 18 Aug 2023 10:00:00 GMT /economy-business/2023-08-18/cleveland-high-school-redevelopment-is-moving-forward-starting-with-community-input Eric Schmid Bill would ask St. Louis voters if owners should pay to convert multifamily homes /2022-05-13/bill-would-ask-st-louis-voters-if-owners-will-pay-to-convert-multi-family-homes A provision introduced at the St. Louis Board of Aldermen on Friday would charge people in some neighborhoods $10,000 to remove dwelling units in a single building. That would include converting a duplex into a single-family home, or converting a four-flat into a duplex. The money from those fees would contribute to a fund to create, improve and maintain affordable housing. Fri, 13 May 2022 22:44:56 GMT /2022-05-13/bill-would-ask-st-louis-voters-if-owners-will-pay-to-convert-multi-family-homes Sarah Fentem Missouri’s Only Nonprofit Environmental Law Firm Has St. Louisans Taking Global Issues Local /show/st-louis-on-the-air/2020-12-10/missouris-only-nonprofit-environmental-law-firm-has-st-louisans-taking-global-issues-local Earlier this year, after being approached by the Great Rivers Environmental Law Center, Karisa Gilman-Hernandez and her colleagues at Dutchtown South Community Corporation added excessive air pollution to the list of things they're no longer willing to see the community they serve just put up with. She offered her perspective to "St. Louis on the Air," and host Sarah Fenske also talked with Great Rivers staff attorneys Bob Menees and Sarah Rubenstein about why the pollution burden in the Dutchtown area caught their eye — and how their legal efforts there fit in with other issues in their portfolio. Thu, 10 Dec 2020 23:35:37 GMT /show/st-louis-on-the-air/2020-12-10/missouris-only-nonprofit-environmental-law-firm-has-st-louisans-taking-global-issues-local Evie Hemphill Online Series Tackles St. Louis Region’s Struggle With Environmental Racism /health-science-environment/2020-11-09/online-series-tackles-st-louis-regions-struggle-with-environmental-racism Black St. Louisans disproportionately feel the burden of the region's environmental issues—something activists say is not an accident. Mon, 09 Nov 2020 21:49:50 GMT /health-science-environment/2020-11-09/online-series-tackles-st-louis-regions-struggle-with-environmental-racism Becca Clark-Callender Dutchtown Still Reports Many Cases Of Illegal Dumping Despite City Efforts To Curb It /health-science-environment/2019-05-16/dutchtown-still-reports-many-cases-of-illegal-dumping-despite-city-efforts-to-curb-it Community organizers in Dutchtown are struggling to stop people from outside of the south St. Louis neighborhood from dumping construction debris,… Thu, 16 May 2019 10:00:00 GMT /health-science-environment/2019-05-16/dutchtown-still-reports-many-cases-of-illegal-dumping-despite-city-efforts-to-curb-it Eli Chen St. Louis targets illegal trash dumping, but residents don’t think it’s enough /health-science-environment/2018-06-27/st-louis-targets-illegal-trash-dumping-but-residents-dont-think-its-enough Mattresses, ripped up furniture, piles of construction debris and scattered auto parts. In some working-class St. Louis neighborhoods, they’re often seen… Wed, 27 Jun 2018 11:18:03 GMT /health-science-environment/2018-06-27/st-louis-targets-illegal-trash-dumping-but-residents-dont-think-its-enough Eli Chen Two public art projects aim to raise awareness of Dutchtown's illegal dumping problems /health-science-environment/2018-03-22/two-public-art-projects-aim-to-raise-awareness-of-dutchtowns-illegal-dumping-problems St. Louis artists plan to unveil two public art installations in the next couple weeks to draw attention to rampant illegal dumping in the Dutchtown… Thu, 22 Mar 2018 10:16:07 GMT /health-science-environment/2018-03-22/two-public-art-projects-aim-to-raise-awareness-of-dutchtowns-illegal-dumping-problems Eli Chen Community leaders launch initiative to clean up four south St. Louis neighborhoods /health-science-environment/2016-10-13/community-leaders-launch-initiative-to-clean-up-four-south-st-louis-neighborhoods Four neighborhoods in south St. Louis could look a lot cleaner in the next couple years, thanks to new local efforts to address illegal dumping.The "So… Thu, 13 Oct 2016 21:21:00 GMT /health-science-environment/2016-10-13/community-leaders-launch-initiative-to-clean-up-four-south-st-louis-neighborhoods Eli Chen