Department of Veterans Affairs /tags/department-of-veterans-affairs Department of Veterans Affairs en-US Copyright © 2024 ÍâÍøÌìÌà Fri, 16 Dec 2022 11:00:00 GMT A lawsuit alleges a racial disparity in VA benefits and says the VA isn't doing enough about it /health-science-environment/2022-12-16/a-lawsuit-alleges-a-racial-disparity-in-va-benefits-and-says-the-va-isnt-doing-enough-about-it Lawyers who filed the suit say agency records show the VA is more likely to pay claims from white veterans than from Black veterans. Fri, 16 Dec 2022 11:00:00 GMT /health-science-environment/2022-12-16/a-lawsuit-alleges-a-racial-disparity-in-va-benefits-and-says-the-va-isnt-doing-enough-about-it Desiree D'Iorio VIPER Act could bolster VA medical research to help paralyzed veterans walk again /2022-11-30/viper-act-could-bolster-va-medical-research-to-help-paralyzed-veterans-walk-again The VA Infrastructure Powers Exceptional Research (VIPER) Act introduced by the House Committee on Veterans’ Affairs could support medical advancements on prosthetics and mental health. Wed, 30 Nov 2022 18:00:00 GMT /2022-11-30/viper-act-could-bolster-va-medical-research-to-help-paralyzed-veterans-walk-again Britny Cordera St. Louis VA officials plan massive hospital overhaul /health-science-environment/2022-08-02/st-louis-va-officials-plan-massive-hospital-overhaul The overhaul, which likely would cost more than $1 billion and take decades to complete, would help the VA better meet the preferences and needs of the nearly 72,000 veterans it serves. But the St. Louis hospital will first need federal officials to sign off on the massive project. Tue, 02 Aug 2022 23:29:24 GMT /health-science-environment/2022-08-02/st-louis-va-officials-plan-massive-hospital-overhaul Sarah Fentem Wash U study shows higher rates of depression, anxiety in COVID-19 survivors /coronavirus/2022-02-18/wash-u-study-shows-higher-rates-of-depression-anxiety-in-covid-19-survivors Using a database of patients, researchers compared the records of more than 150,000 people who tested positive for the virus to records of millions of patients who did not. They found that during the pandemic, those who had COVID-19 were 60% more likely to report symptoms of anxiety, depression, stress, substance use disorder or other mental health issues. Fri, 18 Feb 2022 11:08:35 GMT /coronavirus/2022-02-18/wash-u-study-shows-higher-rates-of-depression-anxiety-in-covid-19-survivors Sarah Fentem More Vietnam vets now qualify for disability benefits, but it may be years before they see the money /government-politics-issues/2022-01-31/more-vietnam-vets-now-qualify-for-disability-benefits-but-it-may-be-years-before-they-see-the-money Veterans suffering from certain medical conditions became eligible for "presumptive" VA disability benefits last year. But the claims they're filing have added to the agency's huge backlog. Mon, 31 Jan 2022 11:28:01 GMT /government-politics-issues/2022-01-31/more-vietnam-vets-now-qualify-for-disability-benefits-but-it-may-be-years-before-they-see-the-money Carson Frame St. Louis Veterans Call VA System For COVID-19 Vaccinations A Public Health Model /coronavirus/2021-04-26/st-louis-veterans-call-va-system-for-covid-19-vaccinations-a-public-health-model The Veterans Affairs St. Louis Health Care System has given the COVID-19 vaccine to about half of the veterans in its care. VA officials aim to vaccinate up to 80% of enrolled veterans by summer. Veterans say the VA’s vaccination efforts could serve as a model for other public health systems. Mon, 26 Apr 2021 10:14:55 GMT /coronavirus/2021-04-26/st-louis-veterans-call-va-system-for-covid-19-vaccinations-a-public-health-model Chad Davis St. Louis Veterans Affairs Expects To Give 80% of Patients COVID-19 Vaccine By Summer /coronavirus/2021-04-07/st-louis-veterans-affairs-expects-to-give-80-of-patients-covid-19-vaccine-by-summer More than 23,000 veterans in the St. Louis Veterans Affairs Healthcare system have received one dose of the COVID-19 vaccine and more than 15,000 of them are fully vaccinated. VA officials say they expect to vaccinate 80% of veterans by late June. They credit the strong relationships doctors have with their patients. Thu, 08 Apr 2021 00:03:00 GMT /coronavirus/2021-04-07/st-louis-veterans-affairs-expects-to-give-80-of-patients-covid-19-vaccine-by-summer Chad Davis 5 Times Deadlier Than Flu, COVID-19 Has Risk Of Long-Term Effects, St. Louis VA Study Finds /coronavirus/2020-12-28/5-times-deadlier-than-flu-covid-19-has-risk-of-long-term-effects-st-louis-va-study-finds COVID-19 is a far deadlier illness than the flu, according to a new analysis from the VA St. Louis Health Care System and Washington University. Mon, 28 Dec 2020 11:22:08 GMT /coronavirus/2020-12-28/5-times-deadlier-than-flu-covid-19-has-risk-of-long-term-effects-st-louis-va-study-finds Shahla Farzan Last Honor: St. Louis Call Center Schedules Veterans' Burials For All National Cemeteries /government-politics-issues/2019-05-24/last-honor-st-louis-call-center-schedules-veterans-burials-for-all-national-cemeteries About 30 times a day, Drayton Denson answers the phone at a call center in south St. Louis County that helps U.S. military veterans secure a grateful… Fri, 24 May 2019 14:03:44 GMT /government-politics-issues/2019-05-24/last-honor-st-louis-call-center-schedules-veterans-burials-for-all-national-cemeteries Mary Delach Leonard VA secretary is committed to timely delivery of 'best care,' benefits to nation's vets /government-politics-issues/2013-08-08/va-secretary-is-committed-to-timely-delivery-of-best-care-benefits-to-nations-vets This article first appeared in the St. Louis Beacon, Aug. 8, 2013 - U.S. Secretary of Veterans Affairs Eric Shinseki, a retired Army general, sees his… Thu, 08 Aug 2013 23:03:38 GMT /government-politics-issues/2013-08-08/va-secretary-is-committed-to-timely-delivery-of-best-care-benefits-to-nations-vets Jo Mannies