Custody /tags/custody Custody en-US Copyright © 2024 Fri, 30 Jun 2023 20:16:41 GMT A Missouri judge put two kids in jail. He'll have to answer for that /show/st-louis-on-the-air/2023-06-30/a-missouri-judge-put-two-kids-in-jail-now-the-law-is-after-him The 8th Circuit ruled that a Missouri judge crossed the line when he personally escorted the kids to jail and stood there while they removed their clothes and belongings. Fri, 30 Jun 2023 20:16:41 GMT /show/st-louis-on-the-air/2023-06-30/a-missouri-judge-put-two-kids-in-jail-now-the-law-is-after-him Alex Heuer Missouri is moving towards a 50/50 child custody law, raising concerns about abuse survivors /law-order/2023-06-14/missouri-is-moving-towards-a-50-50-child-custody-law-raising-concerns-about-abuse-survivors The legislation changes Missouri law by requiring judges start each child custody case with the presumption that “equal or approximately equal” parenting time for each parent is in the child’s best interests. But the bill, passed in the final hour of the legislative session, could make it more difficult for victims to escape abusive relationships and protect their children. Wed, 14 Jun 2023 10:15:00 GMT /law-order/2023-06-14/missouri-is-moving-towards-a-50-50-child-custody-law-raising-concerns-about-abuse-survivors Clara Bates Missouri judge sealed Greitens ruling. Texas court provided full details /government-politics-issues/2022-09-11/missouri-judge-sealed-greitens-ruling-texas-court-provided-full-details A Missouri Judge's ruling in the court case over child custody jurisdiction between former Gov. Eric Greitens and his ex-wife, Sheena Greitens, found that there has been no pattern of domestic violence by either parent. The judge sealed her ruling but it became public in Texas. Sun, 11 Sep 2022 16:33:49 GMT /government-politics-issues/2022-09-11/missouri-judge-sealed-greitens-ruling-texas-court-provided-full-details Rudi Keller Sheena Greitens scores victory with order shifting custody case to Texas, attorney says /government-politics-issues/2022-09-02/sheena-greitens-scores-victory-with-order-shifting-custody-case-to-texas-attorney-says Kansas City Star files motion in Boone County to unseal decision, and says voters ‘are entitled to know the truth’ of abuse allegations against former Gov. Greitens. Fri, 02 Sep 2022 10:00:00 GMT /government-politics-issues/2022-09-02/sheena-greitens-scores-victory-with-order-shifting-custody-case-to-texas-attorney-says Rudi Keller Are Fathers' Rights Fair And Equitable In Missouri? /show/st-louis-on-the-air/2013-11-05/are-fathers-rights-fair-and-equitable-in-missouri When it comes to determining child custody, some say the courts favor the mother. Do they? Should they?According to Halbert Sullivan and Lisl King… Wed, 06 Nov 2013 00:53:34 GMT /show/st-louis-on-the-air/2013-11-05/are-fathers-rights-fair-and-equitable-in-missouri Sean Goldman's long trip home /arts/2009-12-28/sean-goldmans-long-trip-home This article first appeared in the St. Louis Beacon, Dec. 28, 2009 - As David Goldman and his son Sean spend this holiday season at Disneyworld, it's no… Mon, 28 Dec 2009 22:15:43 GMT /arts/2009-12-28/sean-goldmans-long-trip-home Susan Block