Charles Bryson /tags/charles-bryson Charles Bryson en-US Copyright © 2024 ÍâÍřĚěĚĂ Tue, 06 Oct 2020 13:12:52 GMT St. Louis Trails County In 2020 Census Responses /government-politics-issues/2020-10-06/st-louis-trails-county-in-2020-census-responses The percentage of people in St. Louis who have self-responded to the 2020 census is significantly lower than in St. Louis County. In the city, 53% of residents have responded, compared to 76% in the county, according to self-response rate maps generated by the City University of New York Mapping Service. St. Clair and Madison counties in the Metro East have self-response rates of 68% and 74% respectively. Tue, 06 Oct 2020 13:12:52 GMT /government-politics-issues/2020-10-06/st-louis-trails-county-in-2020-census-responses Eric Schmid Missourians Could Lose Millions In Federal Dollars If Residents Sidestep The 2020 Census /politics-issues/2020-03-16/missourians-could-lose-millions-in-federal-dollars-if-residents-sidestep-the-2020-census State and local organizations have been ramping up efforts for months to make sure all Missourians are aware of the census. From the fliers in mailboxes… Mon, 16 Mar 2020 10:25:36 GMT /politics-issues/2020-03-16/missourians-could-lose-millions-in-federal-dollars-if-residents-sidestep-the-2020-census Marissanne Lewis-Thompson Guard charged in downtown St. Louis jail escape pleads guilty /2012-03-27/guard-charged-in-downtown-st-louis-jail-escape-pleads-guilty The only person to face criminal charges in a series of escapes from the St. Louis city jails has pleaded guilty to a series of misdemeanors.Mori Farrell… Tue, 27 Mar 2012 19:45:55 GMT /2012-03-27/guard-charged-in-downtown-st-louis-jail-escape-pleads-guilty Rachel Lippmann Slay appoints Eddie Roth Public Safety Director /2012-02-24/slay-appoints-eddie-roth-public-safety-director St. Louis Mayor Francis Slay has appointed Eddie Roth as the city's new director of public safety.Roth is a former editorial writer for the St. Louis… Fri, 24 Feb 2012 16:51:32 GMT /2012-02-24/slay-appoints-eddie-roth-public-safety-director Rachel Lippmann Stubblefield speaks on jails for first time since suspension /2011-10-25/stubblefield-speaks-on-jails-for-first-time-since-suspension The highest-ranking city official to face discipline so far for problems at the St. Louis jails spent four hours under oath today, giving his perspective… Tue, 25 Oct 2011 22:28:29 GMT /2011-10-25/stubblefield-speaks-on-jails-for-first-time-since-suspension Rachel Lippmann Committee grills Bryson on jail staffing, budget /2011-10-17/committee-grills-bryson-on-jail-staffing-budget The head of the public safety department of the city of St. Louis spent nearly two hours on the hot seat today, facing questions under oath about the… Mon, 17 Oct 2011 22:01:10 GMT /2011-10-17/committee-grills-bryson-on-jail-staffing-budget Rachel Lippmann Staffing shortages led to recent jail escapes, claim leaked documents /government-politics-issues/2011-09-23/staffing-shortages-led-to-recent-jail-escapes-claim-leaked-documents Tis article first appeared in the St. Louis Beacon, Sept. 23, 2011 - The Slay administration is taking issue with allegations that staffing shortages are… Fri, 23 Sep 2011 15:19:44 GMT /government-politics-issues/2011-09-23/staffing-shortages-led-to-recent-jail-escapes-claim-leaked-documents Robert Joiner St. Louis aldermen: jail security problems make us look like a joke /2011-09-21/st-louis-aldermen-jail-security-problems-make-us-look-like-a-joke Four jail breaks in 15 months make the city of St. Louis look like a joke.That was the general consensus of members of the Public Safety committee on… Wed, 21 Sep 2011 22:13:30 GMT /2011-09-21/st-louis-aldermen-jail-security-problems-make-us-look-like-a-joke Rachel Lippmann Food, shelter, medicine: Basics are paramount in quake emergency /arts/2011-05-18/food-shelter-medicine-basics-are-paramount-in-quake-emergency This article first appeared in the St. Louis Beacon, May 18, 2011 - Bread, milk and ice are often the first items people think about when faced with a… Wed, 18 May 2011 17:04:15 GMT /arts/2011-05-18/food-shelter-medicine-basics-are-paramount-in-quake-emergency Nancy Fowler