Carlos Boles /tags/carlos-boles Carlos Boles en-US Copyright © 2024 ÍâÍřĚěĚĂ Thu, 31 Mar 2011 23:04:14 GMT Judge: police must turn over some records in crime scene photo investigation /2011-03-31/judge-police-must-turn-over-some-records-in-crime-scene-photo-investigation A federal judge has ruled that four St. Louis police officers must turn over some personal cell phone records as part of the department's investigation… Thu, 31 Mar 2011 23:04:14 GMT /2011-03-31/judge-police-must-turn-over-some-records-in-crime-scene-photo-investigation Rachel Lippmann 5 officers involved in crime scene photo scandal /2011-03-29/5-officers-involved-in-crime-scene-photo-scandal Attorneys say five St. Louis police officers have now admitted to sharing a graphic cell phone photo of the body of a man killed in a March 8 shootout… Tue, 29 Mar 2011 20:04:52 GMT /2011-03-29/5-officers-involved-in-crime-scene-photo-scandal St. Louis police officer implicated in taking Boles crime scene photo, releasing it /2011-03-21/st-louis-police-officer-implicated-in-taking-boles-crime-scene-photo-releasing-it A St. Louis police officer has been implicated in taking and releasing a photo of a suspect killed in a shoot-out with law enforcement officials.Carlos… Mon, 21 Mar 2011 22:52:13 GMT /2011-03-21/st-louis-police-officer-implicated-in-taking-boles-crime-scene-photo-releasing-it Maria Altman Isom: Carlos Boles picture "completely inappropriate" /2011-03-16/isom-carlos-boles-picture-completely-inappropriate St. Louis police chief Dan Isom is apologizing for a leaked photo from a south St. Louis crime scene that shows the body of 35-year-old Carlos Boles."It's… Wed, 16 Mar 2011 20:40:31 GMT /2011-03-16/isom-carlos-boles-picture-completely-inappropriate Rachel Lippmann