Buster Brown Blue Ribbon Shoe Factory /tags/buster-brown-blue-ribbon-shoe-factory Buster Brown Blue Ribbon Shoe Factory en-US Copyright © 2024 ÍâÍřĚěĚĂ Fri, 20 May 2016 01:53:35 GMT Shoe factory kicks off effort to save building with party /economy-business/2016-05-19/shoe-factory-kicks-off-effort-to-save-building-with-party Passers-by wondered what was going on.There were food trucks, balloons, and music at the corner of Cass and Jefferson Avenues on Thursday afternoon.It’s… Fri, 20 May 2016 01:53:35 GMT /economy-business/2016-05-19/shoe-factory-kicks-off-effort-to-save-building-with-party Maria Altman Shoe factory sale price set in city's NGA eminent domain case /economy-business/2016-05-12/shoe-factory-sale-price-set-in-citys-nga-eminent-domain-case The Buster Brown Blue Ribbon Shoe Factory in north St. Louis is worth about $810,000.That’s the figure that a three-member court-appointed commission… Thu, 12 May 2016 18:06:09 GMT /economy-business/2016-05-12/shoe-factory-sale-price-set-in-citys-nga-eminent-domain-case Maria Altman NGA site property owners learn how much they'll get from city with eminent domain report /economy-business/2016-05-09/nga-site-property-owners-learn-how-much-theyll-get-from-city-with-eminent-domain-report The city of St. Louis will likely pay more than $1.6 million to compensate property owners who faced eminent domain to make way for the National… Mon, 09 May 2016 18:45:38 GMT /economy-business/2016-05-09/nga-site-property-owners-learn-how-much-theyll-get-from-city-with-eminent-domain-report Maria Altman Will the other shoe drop on the Buster Brown Blue Ribbon Shoe Factory? /economy-business/2016-03-21/will-the-other-shoe-drop-on-the-buster-brown-blue-ribbon-shoe-factory Jim Osher can’t imagine how anyone could think of tearing his building down."You see that piece of wood?" he asks pointing to a massive rafter. "That’s… Mon, 21 Mar 2016 19:25:07 GMT /economy-business/2016-03-21/will-the-other-shoe-drop-on-the-buster-brown-blue-ribbon-shoe-factory Maria Altman