Broadband /tags/broadband Broadband en-US Copyright © 2024 ÍâÍřĚěĚĂ Mon, 09 Jan 2023 16:45:00 GMT Broadband map holds the key to how much federal funding states will get to expand internet service /government-politics-issues/2023-01-09/broadband-map-holds-the-key-to-how-much-federal-funding-states-will-get-to-expand-internet-service States, local governments and internet providers have until Friday, Jan. 13 to challenge the Federal Communications Commission’s National Broadband Map. The map shows where service is and isn’t across the country. Mon, 09 Jan 2023 16:45:00 GMT /government-politics-issues/2023-01-09/broadband-map-holds-the-key-to-how-much-federal-funding-states-will-get-to-expand-internet-service Katie Peikes Digital divide affects more than half of households in the St. Louis region, says new report /education/2022-04-14/st-louiss-digital-divide-affects-more-than-half-of-households-in-the-region-says-new-report The issue is widespread, but low-income areas often face multiple barriers to adequate internet access. Thu, 14 Apr 2022 22:19:56 GMT /education/2022-04-14/st-louiss-digital-divide-affects-more-than-half-of-households-in-the-region-says-new-report Kate Grumke Still use an old flip phone? 5G technology continues to rollout, leaving 3G users disconnected /economy-business/2022-01-17/still-use-an-old-flip-phone-5g-technology-continues-to-rollout-leaving-3g-users-disconnected Millions of American consumers still rely on 3G devices and technology, and its phase-out is underway as 5G services expands across the country. Mon, 17 Jan 2022 10:00:00 GMT /economy-business/2022-01-17/still-use-an-old-flip-phone-5g-technology-continues-to-rollout-leaving-3g-users-disconnected Kavahn Mansouri, Holly Edgell Missouri department lists some of Gov. Parson’s ARPA priorities /government-politics-issues/2021-12-20/missouri-department-lists-some-of-governor-parsons-arpa-priorities As Missouri prepares to allocate billions in one-time funding, a presentation from the Department of Economic Development included broadband, community development and wastewater as probable destinations for federal dollars. Tue, 21 Dec 2021 00:31:52 GMT /government-politics-issues/2021-12-20/missouri-department-lists-some-of-governor-parsons-arpa-priorities Sarah Kellogg Most Illinoisans have some internet access, but many pay a fortune for dismal speeds /government-politics-issues/2021-12-10/most-illinoisans-have-some-internet-access-but-many-pay-a-fortune-for-dismal-speeds Almost all Illinois residents have access to basic internet speeds, but it’s expensive and too slow. Will federal money help? Fri, 10 Dec 2021 18:15:53 GMT /government-politics-issues/2021-12-10/most-illinoisans-have-some-internet-access-but-many-pay-a-fortune-for-dismal-speeds Kelsey Landis If You Build It, Will They Come? Study Highlights Broadband Adoption /2021-07-16/if-you-build-it-will-they-come-study-highlights-broadband-adoption University of Missouri Extension researchers say expanding broadband will help more prosper, if people use the technology. Fri, 16 Jul 2021 10:10:07 GMT /2021-07-16/if-you-build-it-will-they-come-study-highlights-broadband-adoption Wayne Pratt Rural Businesses Need Better Internet Access To Expand, But Solutions Aren’t So Easy /2019-01-28/rural-businesses-need-better-internet-access-to-expand-but-solutions-arent-so-easy Swiss Meat and Sausage has been butchering animals and selling meats in a small, unincorporated east-central Missouri town for 50 years. Co-owner Janice... Mon, 28 Jan 2019 20:21:47 GMT /2019-01-28/rural-businesses-need-better-internet-access-to-expand-but-solutions-arent-so-easy Jonathan Ahl FCC: More than two-thirds of rural Missourians lack high-speed internet access /economy-business/2015-03-29/fcc-more-than-two-thirds-of-rural-missourians-lack-high-speed-internet-access Nearly a third of Missourians - or about 1.8 million people - lack access to high-speed internet, according to a report last month from the Federal… Mon, 30 Mar 2015 02:29:29 GMT /economy-business/2015-03-29/fcc-more-than-two-thirds-of-rural-missourians-lack-high-speed-internet-access Study: Missouri Has 'Fallen Behind' In Providing Digital Learning To K-12 Students /education/2014-01-30/study-missouri-has-fallen-behind-in-providing-digital-learning-to-k-12-students A study released Thursday by the Missouri Chamber of Commerce and Industry states that Missouri is "falling behind" when it comes to providing digital… Fri, 31 Jan 2014 00:22:05 GMT /education/2014-01-30/study-missouri-has-fallen-behind-in-providing-digital-learning-to-k-12-students Marshall Griffin Nixon touts progress in expansion of broadband access in Mo. /government-politics-issues/2011-11-17/nixon-touts-progress-in-expansion-of-broadband-access-in-mo Governor Jay Nixon (D) says more than 75 percent of the state has access to broadband Internet service.The governor provided an update on the state’s… Thu, 17 Nov 2011 23:25:26 GMT /government-politics-issues/2011-11-17/nixon-touts-progress-in-expansion-of-broadband-access-in-mo Marshall Griffin