Amendment 4 /tags/amendment-4 Amendment 4 en-US Copyright © 2024 Tue, 23 Jul 2024 10:00:00 GMT KC mayor warns against Missouri voters supporting Amendment 4, about police funding /government-politics-issues/2024-07-23/kc-mayor-warns-against-missouri-amendment-4-police-funding The amendment's supporters say “adequate funding is needed” to keep Kansas City safe, but Mayor Quinton Lucas opposes the proposed amendment because it “takes power” from local officials. Tue, 23 Jul 2024 10:00:00 GMT /government-politics-issues/2024-07-23/kc-mayor-warns-against-missouri-amendment-4-police-funding Gregory Holman Missouri Amendment 4: What to know about the Kansas City Police funding ballot question /politics-elections-and-government/2024-06-25/kansas-city-police-funding-missouri-amendment-4 The constitutional amendment targets a police funding mandate that only applies to Kansas City, the lone city in Missouri without local control over its police department. Tue, 25 Jun 2024 10:00:00 GMT /politics-elections-and-government/2024-06-25/kansas-city-police-funding-missouri-amendment-4 Celisa Calacal Recreational marijuana use tops statewide initiatives on Missouri’s ballot /government-politics-issues/2022-11-02/recreational-marijuana-use-tops-statewide-initiatives-on-missouris-ballot There are a total of five statewide measures that are on the ballot for Missouri voters, but the one earning the most attention is whether the state should legalize the adult use of marijuana for those 21 and older. Wed, 02 Nov 2022 10:00:00 GMT /government-politics-issues/2022-11-02/recreational-marijuana-use-tops-statewide-initiatives-on-missouris-ballot Sarah Kellogg Amendment 4: Realtors lead pre-emptive strike against expanding sales taxes to include services /government-politics-issues/2016-10-13/amendment-4-realtors-lead-pre-emptive-strike-against-expanding-sales-taxes-to-include-services As the Missouri Realtors group sees it, it’s just being proactive.The state of Missouri doesn’t generally impose sales taxes on services. But some… Thu, 13 Oct 2016 07:02:38 GMT /government-politics-issues/2016-10-13/amendment-4-realtors-lead-pre-emptive-strike-against-expanding-sales-taxes-to-include-services Jo Mannies A tax on lawn care? Never, if Missourians vote to ban sales taxes on services /government-politics-issues/2016-08-15/a-tax-on-lawn-care-never-if-missourians-vote-to-ban-sales-taxes-on-services Missourians are slated to vote on a constitutional amendment that would ban sales taxes on services.Missouri Secretary of State Jason Kander certified the… Mon, 15 Aug 2016 17:24:48 GMT /government-politics-issues/2016-08-15/a-tax-on-lawn-care-never-if-missourians-vote-to-ban-sales-taxes-on-services Jason Rosenbaum