Amateur sporting events /tags/amateur-sporting-events Amateur sporting events en-US Copyright © 2024 ÍâÍøÌìÌà Tue, 27 Aug 2013 22:48:54 GMT Most Of Missouri's New Laws For 2013 Take Effect Wednesday /politics-issues/2013-08-27/most-of-missouris-new-laws-for-2013-take-effect-wednesday August 28 arrives on Wednesday, meaning dozens of new state laws will take effect in Missouri.Those new laws include Senate Bill 125, which will allow… Tue, 27 Aug 2013 22:48:54 GMT /politics-issues/2013-08-27/most-of-missouris-new-laws-for-2013-take-effect-wednesday Marshall Griffin Mo. Gov. Nixon Signs Amateur Sporting Events & Benevolent Tax Credit Bills Into Law /government-politics-issues/2013-03-29/mo-gov-nixon-signs-amateur-sporting-events-benevolent-tax-credit-bills-into-law Two tax credit bills passed by Missouri lawmakers have become the first ones signed into law this year by Governor Jay Nixon (D). First, Senate Bill 20… Fri, 29 Mar 2013 21:10:00 GMT /government-politics-issues/2013-03-29/mo-gov-nixon-signs-amateur-sporting-events-benevolent-tax-credit-bills-into-law Marshall Griffin Tax Breaks For Amateur Sporting Events In Mo. Is First Bill Sent To Gov. Nixon /politics-issues/2013-03-13/tax-breaks-for-amateur-sporting-events-in-mo-is-first-bill-sent-to-gov-nixon Legislation that would provide tax breaks for amateur sporting events held in Missouri has become the first one sent to Governor Jay Nixon (D) during the… Wed, 13 Mar 2013 19:46:00 GMT /politics-issues/2013-03-13/tax-breaks-for-amateur-sporting-events-in-mo-is-first-bill-sent-to-gov-nixon Marshall Griffin Tax Credits Faring Better So Far This Year In The Missouri Senate /government-politics-issues/2013-01-31/tax-credits-faring-better-so-far-this-year-in-the-missouri-senate It appears so far that the Missouri Senate may no longer be the place where tax credits go to die.In years past, proposed incentives for such things as… Thu, 31 Jan 2013 23:51:24 GMT /government-politics-issues/2013-01-31/tax-credits-faring-better-so-far-this-year-in-the-missouri-senate Marshall Griffin Tax credit/Mamtek bill likely dead /government-politics-issues/2012-05-17/tax-credit-mamtek-bill-likely-dead The Speaker of the Missouri House has thrown cold water on a scaled-back tax credit reform measure passed Wednesday by the Senate.It would cap historic… Thu, 17 May 2012 21:07:55 GMT /government-politics-issues/2012-05-17/tax-credit-mamtek-bill-likely-dead Marshall Griffin Mo. Senate adds tax credit agreement to Mamtek bill, sends them to House /government-politics-issues/2012-05-16/mo-senate-adds-tax-credit-agreement-to-mamtek-bill-sends-them-to-house The Missouri Senate has passed a tax credit measure after hammering out an agreement between GOP leaders and fiscal conservatives who’ve been trying to… Wed, 16 May 2012 20:14:56 GMT /government-politics-issues/2012-05-16/mo-senate-adds-tax-credit-agreement-to-mamtek-bill-sends-them-to-house Marshall Griffin Mo. House committee approves tax credits for data storage, sporting events /government-politics-issues/2012-02-06/mo-house-committee-approves-tax-credits-for-data-storage-sporting-events Two bills that would provide incentives for building underground data storage centers and for drawing amateur sporting events to Missouri have cleared a… Mon, 06 Feb 2012 22:17:36 GMT /government-politics-issues/2012-02-06/mo-house-committee-approves-tax-credits-for-data-storage-sporting-events Marshall Griffin