With more than 50 guidebooks to his name, Rick Steves is a go-to authority on international travel – particularly when it comes to Europe. But whether one’s destination is Italy or India, his main piece of advice is to travel thoughtfully.
“You just have to decide,” Steves said in a St. Louis on the Air interview just prior to his Feb. 20 visit to the Gateway City as part of the . “Do you want to lie on the beach with a bunch of other Americans, or do you want to actually get out into the local culture and check things out?”
Traveling is much more than a getaway from everyday life in Steves’ view. It’s about broadening one’s perspective on the world, he said, and learning from other humans who may lead very different lives but also have much in common with Americans.
Listen to Steves’ full conversation with producer Evie Hemphill:
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What: “”
When: 8 p.m. Feb. 20, 2018
Where: Powell Hall, 718 N. Grand Blvd., St. Louis, MO 63103
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