The Sunlight Foundation on political donations made by all major league baseball organizations in the 2012 elections. So, which political players got money from Cardinals employees?
At a glance, here are a few takeaways (you can explore the full dataset yourself below):
- Top Donor: Cardinals owner Bill DeWitt, Jr. with a total of $101,500 given in political contributions.
- Hall of Famer: Cardinals Hall of Famer Lou Brock and his wife Jackie make an appearance on the list, having given $1,500 to the Obama for America campaign.
- Bi-Partisan Breakdown: Of those listed in the data, 15 donations were given to Republican candidates or committees and 6 donations were given to Democratic candidates or committees.
Here's the full dataset for you to explore. You can sort by donor, party and other factors.
If you're curious, check out The Washington Post's of the financial/political ties of the Cardinals' rival, the Chicago Cubs. They say that club has "dropped $13.9 million on the campaign; that’s roughly $4 million more than the other all of the donations made by the other 29 teams combined."
The Cardinals' organization's total? $121,637.
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