Several groups critical of the no new taxes stance of both Democratic and Republican legislative leaders held a bake sale today at the Missouri Capitol.
The event was held to highlight what the participants say is a lack of effort to explore new ways to raise revenue. Sean Nicholson is with the group .
“I think this is a perfect time to be talking about a different approach to the budget," Nicholson said. "The conversation that we’re having right now is, ‘Do we stick it to college kids or do we stick it to the blind?’ And if that’s the conversation we’re having, we need to be thinking about a different way to make budget choices.”
As of 3:00 p.m. Tuesday, the bake sale had raised $32, mostly through donations, in a mock attempt to raise half a billion dollars. Meanwhile, the Senate Appropriations Committee this week resumes its review of next year’s state budget. Theis considering a proposal by Governor Nixon to use $18 million in Medicaid funds to help prop up pensions for the blind.