Around a hundred demonstrators rallied outside the State Capitol today to protest plans to induct conservative talk show host Rush Limbaugh into the.
Limbaugh has come under fire for calling Georgetown University law student Sandra Fluke a “slut” and a “prostitute" on his nationally-syndicated radio program. Fluke had testified in favor of President Obama’s birth control policies before Congressional Democrats. Fellow Democrat and told the crowd in Jefferson City that it would be wrong for visitors to the State Capitol to see a bust of Limbaugh in the third floor Rotunda.
“With tens of thousands of school children touring our Capitol, to think it’s appropriate to have Rush Limbaugh in the Hall of Famous Missourians? That’s what really frosts me," Oxford said.
The crowd then delivered several boxes of petitions to office. Tilley remains committed to inducting Limbaugh into the Hall. (D), while talking with reporters in St. Louis, said there needs to be a new process for selecting nominees.
“What we want to do is not have this be a spark-up about one individual, but get a process back in place that takes the momentary excitement out of any of these choices," Nixon said.
House Republicans on Tuesday rejected a Democratic effort to change the rules.