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Website on obesity policy launched by Wash. U., Missouri Foundation for Health

(via Flickr/Dani Lurie)

Washington University's Center for Obesity Prevention and Policy Research and the Missouri Foundation for Health have launched a with information on obesity-related policy for organizations across the state.

The site, named "Policy Lift" has a variety of different functions, as an announcement about the site describes:

Policy Lift is designed to provide the resources to shape obesity-related policy at the local level for schools, after-school and childcare facilities, staff wellness, and local governments and communities. The goal is lower obesity rates, community wellness, and to effect positive outcomes such as: ·         Greater food knowledge – to ensure people understand nutrition labels and proper portion sizes and can connect that information to the food choices they make ·         Improved childcare – so that schools, after-school and childcare facilities offer more nutritious food and beverage options and teach basic food awareness ·         Safe Streets and Sidewalks – to transform walking and bicycling from a mode of recreation to a form of transportation ·         Workplace enhancements – including healthier foods on site and opportunities for exercise ·         Sustainable food initiatives – to help cities and towns rely more on local farmers

“Environment plays a critical role in obesity,” said Deborah Haire-Joshu, professor at the George Warren Brown School of Social Work at Washington University in Saint Louis. “Our homes, our schools, our neighborhoods, our routines, what kind of food we have access to...Policy Lift is about helping any kind of organization implement real-world policies that will benefit children and families across the state. It puts years of policy research and best practices into the hands of leaders at the state and local level.”