The largest adult health study ever conducted in Missouri is underway across the state. The topic? Tobacco use and the diseases it causes.
The is providing close to $2 million in funding for the telephone survey, which is expected to include more than 52,000 people.
Missouri Foundation for Health program officer Matthew Kuhlenbeck says the survey is a follow-up to a similar study conducted in 2007.
"Updating that information is critical to seeing if we're making an impact with the work that's being done in communities to address tobacco use," Kuhlenbeck said.
Information from the study will be used to assess the health impacts of things like and community education programs.
Missourians in every county in the state will participate in the year-long study, which will also cover community demographics, access to health care, physical activity, and nutrition.
In a related bit of information, Missouri has the lowest rate of excise tax on cigarettes in the nation, and you can see how other states relate in .