The head of the has announced he’s going to pull the plug on the special legislative session next week.
(R, Dexter) believes it’s too late to pass any kind of economic development bill before the session expires in two weeks. Despite Thursday’s move by the to appoint lawmakers to negotiate a final version of the wide-ranging tax credit bill, Mayer says any agreement must include 7-year expiration dates, or sunsets, on historic preservation and low income housing tax credits.
“That’s a provision that all along I have told (House) Speaker (Steven Tilley) that we have to have to pass (it) through the Senate body," Mayer said. "He on a number of occasions, especially since we’ve gotten into special session, has told me that he cannot do that.”
Mayer plans the final adjournment, also known as “sine die,” to take place next Tuesday. (R, Perryville) says he’s disappointed with Mayer’s decision.
“Just over four or five days ago (Mayer) was telling the press that he wanted the House to send him a bill so we could go to conference, and in a public setting work out the differences," Tilley said. "For me and the House, it’s just another example of the Senate saying one thing and doing another.”
If Mayer adjourns the Senate next week as planned, Tilley says House members won’t be called back to Jefferson City and that he’ll allow the special session to expire as scheduled on November 5th. Also, a technical session in the House scheduled October 27th would be canceled as well.