Missouri lawmakers have been pre-filing bills this week in preparation for the legislative session that begins next month. Here's the lowdown on these early ventures:
- Expand Term Limits to All State-Wide Elected Offices
Currently, only the Governor and State Treasurer are limited to two four-year terms in office. The resolution sponsored by (R, St. Louis) would also limit the terms of the Lt. Governor, Attorney General, State Auditor and the Secretary of State.
"There are certainly people that can serve in office and serve for a long time and continue to be a real servant of the people, but I believe they're an exception to the rule," Lembke said.
If passed by lawmakers, the measure would then go before Missouri voters.
- Extend the to Everyone
Currently, it only applies to drivers age 21 and under.
Several pre-filed bills are renewed attempts to pass issues that fail every year:
- Repealing the state's .
- Restoring local control of .
- Banning the use of red-light cameras. (Also Lembke's initiative)
"When an individual receives a ticket in the mail that is written to the license plate of a car that's registered in their name, we lose all of our right to due process by enforcing traffic laws in this manner," Lembke said.
Red-light camera supporters say their use has reduced the number of traffic crashes involving red-light runners.