You're a woman with no computer coding experience? CoderGirl wants you.
CoderGirl offers free weekly meetings that are meant to bring women with an interest in computer programming together with female mentors who can guide them.
It’s the brainchild of LaunchCode, the non-profit that has been working to fill the tech-talent gap in St. Louis.
"Women make up a really pretty small percentage of the technology workforce," said LaunchCode spokeswoman Annie-Rose Fondaw. "That’s something LaunchCode is really committed to, and the companies we partner with are always asking us for women, so there’s definitely the opportunity."
CoderGirl, now in its second year, is aimed at helping women work through free on-line courses, such as Harvard University’s CS50. It also will support the students with their own coding projects. Fondaw said four of the women who participated last year have landed full-time jobs in tech at companies such as MasterCard and Monsanto.
"We’ve had some big successes," she said. "Many of them are coming back this year for a new cycle to serve as mentors, which is really exciting. So we’re completing the cycle with our CoderGirl alumni."
About 200 women are signed up for the first CoderGirl meeting. It takes place at CIC at 4240 Duncan Avenue Wednesday from 6-8 p.m.
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