The St. Louis Metro Transit is stepping up security after the recent terrorist attack in Boston that left three dead and more than 150 injured.
Richard Zott, Chief of Public Safety for Metro says the changes aren’t due to any specific threat.
“No, I just think it’s prudent," Zott said. "Anytime you have something like a major bombing in a city like that, I just think it’s a good idea to just increase your vigilance and your security procedures. I just like to err on the side of caution.”
He says he’s working with the city and county police departments.
“A lot of the people won’t see it," Zott said. "It’ll be increased surveillance by our people, increased patrols. We may start looking at packages more closely, you know, as people board the trains and buses, inspecting packages on a random basis.”
Zott says other large cities are stepping up their mass transit security as well, and asks that riders report anything suspicious.
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