Attorneys say five St. Louis police officers have now admitted to sharing a graphic cell phone photo of the body of a man killed in a March 8 shootout with authorities.
The St. Louis Post-Dispatch that revelation came Tuesday during a federal court hearing.
Attorneys say a SWAT unit officer took the picture of Carlos Boles and forwarded it to another officer. It was eventually forwarded to a total of four officers before mistakenly being sent to someone outside the department.
The department sued for the cell phone records of the officers. A hearing is Thursday.
U.S. Marshals and police went to Boles' home to arrest him on drug and assault charges. Authorities say he opened fire, killing a deputy marshal and wounding two others. Police returned fire, killing Boles.
, the names of the four officers listed in court documents (the fifth is unnamed) are:
Stephen Schroeder, Curtis Burgdorf, Nicholas Manasco and Thomas Favazza. The four are listed in the documents because they are trying to block the St. Louis Metropolitan Police Department from using private cell phone records to further its investigation.