The has passed several major bills in the last few days of its lame-duck session.
Two of the bills, one on an and the other on in Illinois, were the focus of a press conference held today by Gov. .
Here are some highlights of Quinn's comments:
On the tax increase:
- Noted that the 2-percentage-point increase is only temporary. The measure would increase personal income taxes 67 percent and business income taxes by 46 percent.
- Stressed the importance of "unprecedented" restraint on state government spending in order to get Illinois back on a positive financial track.
- Said that the "next four years are a period of recovery."
- The that Quinn "rejected criticism that he had misled taxpayers by saying during his campaign that he would only sign a smaller increase."
On the death penalty:
- Mostly mum on the issue, but said that he would "follow his conscience" and give the bill "lots of study."
- Will consider the opinions of constituents but also those of the members of the Illinois General Assembly.
- Quinn has said he supports the death penalty when properly applied, but he hasn't lifted the moratorium, according to the Associated Press.